September 2020
NICOLA is one of 10 UK based studies that has recently joined the CLOSER consortium.

This brings the total number of studies in the CLOSER consortium to 19. The aim of CLOSER is to bring together the longitudinal studies community and provide resources to support the needs of longitudinal research. Their work maximises the use, value and impact of longitudinal studies to help improve understanding of key social and biomedical challenges. By joining CLOSER, the NICOLA Research Team will also be able to avail of CLOSER’S Communities of Practice which includes three professional networks namely the Data Managers Network, Data Linkage Working Group and Longitudinal Communications Network all of which are designed to cultivate knowledge exchange, share best practice and encourage novel and collaborative projects across the longitudinal community.
“The work of CLOSER undoubtedly opens up a wealth of opportunities for the expansion of longitudinal research. Being able to share experiences, best practice and new ideas across studies and disciplines is crucial for the success of longitudinal research and this can be greatly facilitated for the NICOLA study by linking in with CLOSER. Joining CLOSER helps maximise the growth, value and impact of longitudinal research by stimulating interdisciplinary research, addressing key challenges, sharing resources across studies and gaining expert training and knowledge. As Chair of the Steering Group of NICOLA I believe our partnership with CLOSER will not only benefit and complement our own research but will help facilitate the growth, recognition and impact of longitudinal research worldwide” Professor Frank Kee