The REC Team invited QUB Staff to attend a Focus Group to share views on preferred terminology in relation to race and ethnicity.

Queen’s University Belfast signed up to the Advance HE Race Equality Charter (REC) in 2020. The REC aims to improve the representation, progression and success of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students.
The REC team held two focus groups on language and terminology earlier this year where colleagues, in particular those who identify as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, as well as staff with an interest or expertise in racial equity, were invited to share their views on preferred terminology in relation to race and ethnicity.
A third focus group was held on 4 November in the Great Hall, Lanyon Building to provide an opportunity to those who had not yet been available to participate.
We are also working with Queen's Students' Union to hold similar workshops for our student community and will keep staff and students updated as things progress.