2021 Vice-Chancellor's Research Prizes recognise research, engagement and impact across Queen's

The winners of the Vice-Chancellor's Research Prizes 2021 were announced on Twitter on Monday 10 January 2022 by the University's Research and Enterprise Team.
Established in 2012, the Vice-Chancellor's Research Prizes recognise and reward exceptional leadership in the areas of research, engagement and impact.
Research Culture Prize
This award is for anyone - academic or non-academic - that has made an outstanding contribution towards a more supportive, inclusive and collaborative research culture.
Nominees: Northern Ireland Multiple Sclerosis Research Network, Dr Amber Glanfield, Northern Ireland Clinical Research Facility.
Winner: Northern Ireland Multiple Sclerosis Research Network.
Research Impact Prize
This award is for research-active staff that have undertaken projects with demonstrable impact beyond academia, as defined within wider UK HE policy.
Nominees: Northern Ireland Cerebral Palsy Register, Professor Danny McAuley – RECOVERY- Respiratory Support and Professor Marie Coleman.
Joint winners: Northern Ireland Cerebral Palsy Register and Professor Danny McAuley – RECOVERY- Respiratory Support
Research Innovation Prize
This award is for research-active staff that have undertaken pioneering research projects opening new frontiers, demonstrating novel or interdisciplinary approaches to addressing research questions.
Nominees: Stuart James - The First Porous Liquids, Michalis Matthaiou and The Biohaviour Team.
Winner: Michalis Matthaiou.
Engaged Research Prize
This award is for research-active staff or teams, including the contributions of non-academic and/or professional services staff who support research engagement activities.
Nominees: Centre for Gender in Politics, DAIRE Research Team, and Tess Maginess.
Winner: Tess Maginess.
Postdoctoral Researcher Prize
This award is for researchers on a postdoctoral research contract, who have developed a research profile demonstrating excellence.
Nominees: Alerie Guzman de la Fuente, James Reihill and Timothy Aiken.
Winner: Alerie Guzman de la Fuente.
Early Career Researcher (ECR) Prize
This award is for researchers within five years of gaining an academic post, who have developed a research profile demonstrating excellence.
Nominees: Okan Yurduseven, Magdalena Rychlowska and Stephen McMahon.
Joint winners: Okan Yurduseven and Stephen McMahon.
Support for Research Prize
This award is for non-academic staff that have made an outstanding contribution to the pursuit of research.
Nominees: Vaughan Purnell, Karen McGeough and Paul Monaghan.
Winner: Vaughan Purnell.
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!