New senior appointment: Pro-Vice-Chancellor Equality Diversity and Inclusion
Queen's President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Ian Greer, is pleased to announce the following new senior appointment:

Professor Peter Robertson has been appointed as Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and will take up post from 1 January 2025, reporting to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education and Students.
Peter is currently Professor of Energy and Environmental Engineering in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. His research focuses primarily on photocatalysis – the use of light to create and accelerate reactions – and its applications for solving key energy and water sustainability challenges. He has spoken openly about his own disability and his experience of living with cancer and has been an inspiring and impactful advocate for equality, diversity and inclusion issues at Queen’s.
As Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Peter will provide strategic, transformational leadership across the university, driving the implementation of EDI Action Plans and supporting the delivery of the university's Strategy 2030, advocating for all statutory equality characteristics (age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, political opinion, marital status, dependent status) within our diverse staff and student community.