Queen’s welcomes Taoiseach on first official visit to Northern Ireland since taking office
The focus of today's visit has been on cross-border cooperation with the Taoiseach having the opportunity to hear more about key research initiatives being driven by the University and its role and investment in the Belfast Region City Deal.

Queen’s University Belfast has welcomed Taoiseach Simon Harris to campus today on his first visit to Northern Ireland since becoming Ireland’s leader.
The Taoiseach has a well-established relationship with Queen’s, having described it as a “world-class University” on a previous visit in his capacity as Ireland’s Minister for Further and Higher Education.
With today’s focus on cross-border cooperation, the Taoiseach was welcomed by the Vice-Chancellor, academics and other senior staff to learn more about some of the key research initiatives being driven by the University.
During the visit, the Taoiseach heard about Queen’s role and investment in the Belfast Region City Deal, particularly the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (AMIC) and iREACH Health, before moving onto broader discussions around the University’s world-leading cancer and food security research, work towards reaching Net Zero, and its role as a ‘civic university’ in the community.
On his visit to Queen’s, Taoiseach Simon Harris said:
“I am delighted to be here at Queen's this afternoon to meet with Professor Sir Ian Greer and the research teams, to learn more about all island research projects co-supported by the Shared Island Fund.”
Welcoming the Taoiseach to Queen’s, Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Ian Greer said:
“It has been a pleasure to welcome the new Taoiseach Simon Harris to Queen’s on his first official visit to Northern Ireland and have the opportunity to discuss the breadth of the University’s work.
“Queen’s is a major economic and cultural driver across Ireland, and the University of choice for increasing numbers of students from every part of the island. Our world-leading cancer research and initiatives to address social, political and climate issues align closely to the Government of Ireland and Northern Ireland Executive’s Shared Island Initiative, and we will continue to play our part in enhancing economic development and cross-border cooperation.
“At Queen’s, we hope this collaborative working is something we can build on throughout the Taoiseach’s leadership and offer our best wishes to him in the role.”
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