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Centre for Community Archaeology

The Centre for Community Archaeology at Queen's University undertakes outreach activities with local communities across Northern Ireland. The centre enables volunteer adults and school children to participate in archaeological fieldwork projects through community-based excavations, while facilitating the involvement of local people in the study of their local heritage. The centre is aligned with the Belfast Young Archaeologists' Club and with the Ulster Archaeological Society. The former offers young enthusiasts the opportunity to learn more about archaeology through monthly meetings and fieldtrips, while the latter has a long-standing relationship with Queen's and hosts lectures, fieldtrips and fieldwork events. 


Find out how it all began

We have been involved in Community Archaeology for over 25 years, find out how it all began.

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Learn about what we do
Our projects

Discover how we collaborate with local communities to make our research accessible to a wider audience.

Our Projects

No matter what your age or ability, there are lots of ways to get involved in archaeology.

Click on the links below to find out more.

Community excavations
Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork (CAF)
CAF website
Advancing knowledge of archaeology
Ulster Archaeological Society (UAS)
UAS website
Opportunities for children
Belfast Young Archaeologists' Club (YAC)
YAC website

To keep up to date with our work and with other university projects, follow 'QUB - Archaeology at Queen's' on Facebook.

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