Information Resources

The following information resources constitute a quick glance at what is virtual reality from different areas and sectors. You will find a selection of news articles, company websites, and/or online services related to VR. These resources are not exhaustive, but they can be used as references for anyone new to the world of VR.
What is Virtual Reality?
- Definition of Virtual Reality (Technopedia)
- A guide to Extended Reality: What is the difference between VR, AR, MR? (Viget)
- 360 Video vs Virtual Reality: What's the Difference? (Tech TV)
- Book Experience on Demand: What Virtual Reality is, How it Works, and What it Can Do (Amazon)
- Book Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds, and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution (Amazon)
Virtual Reality in Industry, Entertainment, and Social Interaction
- Coronavirus Has Made WFH The New Normal. Here’s How Virtual Reality Can Help (Forbes)
- 5 Ways to Incorporate Virtual Reality Into Your Marketing Plan (Entrepeneur Europe)
- Virtual Reality Marketing website
- Report: Virtual Reality for Enterprise and Industrial Markets (OMDIA Tractica)
- How VR & AR Are Changing The Face of Sales & Marketing: the Migraine Experience by GSK (Twitter Technews)
- VR headsets more popular than tablets and wearables were at same stage (YouGov)
- Virtual Reality (VR) - Statistics & Facts (Statista)
- From Passive to Interactive: the Role of Agency in VR (Virtual Reality Pop)
- Understanding Haptics for VR (Virtual Reality Pop)
- Virtual reality PTSD treatment has 'big impact' for veterans (BBC)
- Factual Storytelling in 360 Video (BBC)
- The VOID website
What Equipment is Required?
- The best headset VR headsets for 2020 (PC)
- Best VR headsets in 2020: Standalone and PC-ready picks from Oculus, HTC and more (Wareable)
- Oculus website
- HTC Vive website
- Samsung VR Gear website
- VR Realities website
- Google Cardboard (Google AR/VR) website
- HeadGear website
VR Developers

The following information resources constitute a quick glance at current research on virtual reality from different areas and disciplines. You will find a selection of research articles related to VR. These resources are not exhaustive, but they can be used as a reference point for anyone new to the world of VR.
Virtual Reality and Social Interactions
- Howard, M. C., et al (2020). A meta-analysis of virtual reality training programs for social skill development. Computers & Education, 144, 103707. Link to the paper
- Santl, J., et al (2019). Gender Differences in Stress Responses during a Virtual Reality Trier Social Stress Test. International Journal of Virtual Reality, 19(2), 1–15. Link to the paper
- D'Errico, F., et al (2019). “Prosocial”virtual reality as tool for monitoring engagement in intergroup helping situations (Vol. 74). Presented at the Socio-Affective Technologies an interdisciplinary approach SAT, At Bari.
Virtual Reality in Education
- Ferguson, C., et al (2020). On the role of interaction mode and story structure in virtual reality serious games. Computers & Education, 143, 103671. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103671
- Makransky, G., et al (2019). Motivational and cognitive benefits of training in immersive virtual reality based on multiple assessments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(6), 691–707.
- Chen, J. C., et al (2019). Developing a hands‐on activity using virtual reality to help students learn by doing. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20(11), 1–15.
Virtual Reality and Health
- Kim, H. E., et al (2017). Effectiveness of self-training using the mobile-based virtual reality program in patients with social anxiety disorder. Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 614–619.
- Cornick, J. E., & Blascovich, J. (2016). VIRTUAL REALITY AND EATING, DIABETES, AND OBESITY. In D. Combs, J. A. Sokolowski, & C. M. Banks (Eds.), The Digital Patient: Advancing Healthcare, Research, and Education (1st ed., pp. 181–197). John Wiley & Sons.
- Loreto-Quijada, D., et al. (2014). Differential Effects of Two Virtual Reality Interventions: Distraction Versus Pain Control. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(6), 353–358.
Virtual Reality and Marketing
- Jung, J., et al (2019). Consumer experiences of virtual reality_ Insights from VR luxury brand fashion shows. Journal of Business Research, 1–0.
- Alcañiz, M., et al (2019). Virtual reality in marketing: a framework, review and research agenda. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1–15.
- Tussyadiah, I., et al (2016). Exploring the Persuasive Power of Virtual Reality Imagery for Destination Marketing. Presented at the 2016 Tourism, Travel, and Research Association International Conference.
Virtual Reality Research Labs
- Social Interaction Lab (Queen's University Belfast)
- Virtual Interaction and Communication Technology Research (University of California at Davis)
- Virtual Human Interaction (Stanford Univerity)
- Human Computer Interaction (Universität Würzburg)
- Virtual Embodiment Lab (Cornell University)
- Games and Virtual Environments Lab (University of Georgia)

Below you will find a selection of organisations focused on community development or peacebuilding work in Northern Ireland. Some of these organisations work exclusively on community work whereas others carry out community/peacebuilding projects in addition to their main activities. This list is not exhaustive, and there are many other organisations doing great work in remote areas of Northern Ireland.
- Community Relations Council (website)
- Cliftonville Community Regeneration Forum (website)
- Shankill Women's Centre (website)
- Greater Whitewell Community Surgery (website)
- The Playhouse (website)
- Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin (website)
- Falls Community Council (website)
- The Nerve Centre (website)
- Good Relations Working Group at Mid Ulster District (link)
- Community Dialogue (website)
- Institute for Conflict Research (website)
- The Belfast Interface Project (website)
- The Peace Walls Programme (website)