
The Postdoc Group Mentoring Programme runs every year. Small groups of postdocs are provided with a mentor and meet a few times during the semester, learning from both their mentor and each other.
This programme is organised by the PDC.
Mentoring Groups (also known as mentoring circles) are groups consisting of a lead Mentor, who is a member of academic staff with experience of postdoctoral supervision, and a group of participants (Mentees) who are postdoctoral researchers. They meet every four to six weeks to discuss challenges faced by mentees, ways of finding solutions as well as engaging in career development activities.
Group mentoring has many of the benefits of traditional 1:1 mentoring, but also includes other outcomes, such as:
- Peer-to-peer support in addition to standard mentoring
- Networking and building relationships
- Variety and depth of discussions
- Mentees benefit from the different perspectives of peers and mentor
- Can reach a larger number of mentees with fewer mentors
2024-25 Programme
Applications to participate in the programme as a postdoc mentor or mentee for 2024-25 are now open.
Apply for the Postdoc Group Mentoring Programme
Application deadline: Thursday 28 November 2024 at 23:59
*Participants who have previously taken part in the Group Mentoring Programme are welcome to apply again this academic year however, in the event of oversubscription, priority will be given to new participants.
The Programme Launch Event is scheduled to take place on Thursday 16 January 2025 from 13:30 - 15:00 in Lanyon 0G.074. Attendance is essential as mentoring groups will be introduced during this session.
Postdoc group mentoring testimonial
Hear from previous mentors and mentees about the benefits of the postdoc group mentoring scheme
When is the programme organised and how do I apply?
The group mentoring programme is organised once per academic year.
Mentors and participants are usually recruited at the end of the first semester. You will then be matched with a mentor and fellow mentees, who you will meet at the Programme launch event (held at the beginning of the second semester) when we will discuss how to make the best out of this mentoring opportunity. Attendance at the launch event is essential as mentoring groups will be introduced during this session.
The groups arrange to meet at least 4 times during the semester up until the end of June. They define the dates that suit them best and the topics they want to discuss together.
When the programme is open for applications, application forms will be added to this page and circulated via the PDC communication channels.
The application consists of a short online form gathering your interests to enable us to carry out as good of a matching process as possible. Participants will be selected in a "first-come first-served" manner. The number of participants accepted will depend on the number of mentors available.
- What are the benefits of taking part?
For mentees, group mentoring can provide:
- A smoother adjustment to a new role or position
- Help in acquiring the skills and knowledge they need for career progression
- Guidance on career development
- A greater understanding of both the formal and informal workings of Queen’s University as an organisation or the mentor's sector of activity
- Opportunities to discuss the costs and benefits of different careers and environments based on the mentor's experience
- Participants are expected to provide a supportive and positive atmosphere that encourages individuals to share personal stories and advice, keeping discussions confidential
- The mentors are here to share their experience and advice, not to find participants a job
- What is the time commitment?
When taking part, you will need to attend:
- The introduction session (1 h)
- A minimum of 4 group sessions of 1 - 1.5 h
It is essential for mentees to attend all sessions to enable them to benefit as much as possible from the programme, and out of respect for the mentor and other participants.
We advise that dates for all meetings for the remainder of the semester are set up at the first meeting and blocked in all participants' diaries.
- How are the groups made?
Mentees will, as much as possible, be grouped with colleagues who are at a similar stage in their postdoctoral career and who share common objectives.
Mentors will be matched with groups of staff who were working outside of their direct area of research, based on the expectations mentees provide on their application form.
The composition of the groups and matching process will of course depend on the individuals who have signed up.
- How does it work?
Group Composition
Interdisciplinary groups of up to 6 participants will be allocated to each mentor. Successful schemes elsewhere have found that the groups work well if participants have broadly similar interests, but are from a mixture of different disciplines. This enables a greater variety of perspectives and experiences to come out in discussions and can lead to increased learning for the participants.
Voluntary participation
It is essential that participation is voluntary for both mentors and mentees. If a mentee decides not to continue, there will be no negative repercussions for that individual. However, we would ask that they notify the scheme coordinator and their mentor to provide feedback. This will inform future improvements/ developments to the programme.
Group Meeting Planning Sessions
Mentors will adopt their own method to run and facilitate their groups. Groups are a space for everyone to speak. At times, group leadership will involve the facilitation of discussion between the mentees. The scheme aims for a fairly informal approach, however, mentors will be asked to consider a loose plan for running the sessions.
Group Meeting Coordination and Frequency
We recommend that groups meet a minimum of 4 times during the semester but it will be up to the group and mentor to decide upon a schedule for meetings. We recommend that meeting dates are scheduled at the first meeting of the group to ensure that dates are saved in everyone's diaries well in advance.
Group Meeting Discussion Themes
Topics for discussion are decided independently by each group.