Career Audit and Skills for the Future
Practical information
- Audience: Postdocs and Research Staff
- Date and time: Thursday 27 March 2025, 10:00 - 12:00 (Online session)
- Length: Online session (2 hours) | In-person workshop (7 hours)
- Place: Online
- Organised by: Postdoctoral Development Centre (QUB) and Ulster University
As we work our way through the academic year, it's good to take time to pause and provide yourself with the opportunity to audit your life and career and look toward the future.
In our busy lives, it can be easy to avoid reflection. This session aims to review where you are today in your career and understand your current situation, skills and experiences to make informed decisions for the future.
Course Overview
This workshop will cover:
- Introspection
- Who you are, how you got here and what you want to take forward
- Consideration of lifestyle, values, skills and contribution
- Understanding what skills are in demand both now and in the future including enterprising skills and commercial awareness
This course has been organised as part of the Research Culture NI project, generously funded by Wellcome.
If you want to be notified of future events, please email
Jill Wright | Research Careers and Employability Officer, QUB
Jill is Research Careers and Employability Officer within the Research Culture team at Queen's University Belfast, as part of the Wellcome-funded Research Culture NI project. Her role involves preparing postdocs across both Queen's University Belfast and Ulster University for future career transitions through delivering a suite of training and development opportunities to enhance skills and helping postdocs explore alternate career paths outside of academia, supporting them with job applications and interview preparation. Her role also involves engaging with employers across NI who are employers of postdocs and those that are new to the conversation to promote the talent pool of postdocs that we have in Northern Ireland across our two universities.
Before joining the Research Culture team in June 2024, Jill worked in the private sector and brings with her extensive experience in early career development as well as running employability programmes in partnership with government bodies and local higher education institutions. Jill has established relationships with Queens and Ulster as a previous key graduate employer.
Rating (out of 5): 5.00
Recommended by: 100%
Number of feedback provided: 2
Quote: "It was such a well thought of and well-designed training/workshop with very enlightening and enjoyable concepts nicely presented. Well done." (Participant, January 2025)