QCAP Deputy Director Dr Andrew Grounds Presents at UK Longitudinal Studies Annual Conference 2024
On Tuesday 16th April, QCAP were delighted to attend and present at the UK Longitudinal Studies Annual Conference 2024 held at Queen’s University Belfast.

The conference was a really exciting opportunity to present QCAP’s Data for Action work to a wider academic audience but also to local policymakers from NISRA (Northern Ireland Statistical Research Agency) and sectoral groups like Age NI.
QCAP Deputy Director Dr Andrew Grounds showcased some practical examples of how data and QCAP’s data products are supporting its place-based partners to create impact across the communities or sectors they serve to benefit. To date, this has included the leverage of a substantial social finance investment to support the Hosford Homelessness Housing project as well as the delivery of the SMART Cityzens initiative which aims to increase the data literacy of young people.
QCAP would like to thank Dr Ian Shuttleworth (Director of NILS and QCAP Strategic Lead for Data - and pictured below) and Dr Estelle Lowry, also from NILS and the School of Natural of Built Environment, for the opportunity to present and we look forward to exploring the potential research possibilities between QCAP, Data Linkage and the NILS study.