Year 5 GP Placement in C25 -Tutor Ideas

In 2024/25 the GP placement in year 5 will be extended to 7 weeks as part of the new C25 curriculum. Currently the students spend two periods of two weeks in General practice.
Year 5 in the new curriculum is all about ‘preparation for practice’. The year 4 programme in 2023/24 will see them ‘immerse’ in practice, spending 4 blocks of 2 weeks on their longitudinal placement in the same GP practice.
At this stage, in preparation for C25 year 5, we are very keen to collect your ideas and suggestions.
As tutors, you know best where the learning opportunities lie in practice, and how we can tap into them without impacting on service delivery too much, whilst giving the students an in-depth, impactful learning experience and prepare them for being a doctor.
I would be very grateful if you could fill in the following survey to share your views on how the C25 year 5 GP placement can be further developed (survey will take 5 minutes)?