Children's Corner
Welcome to Reading Together!
It is great that you are part of Reading Together! Over the next six months you are going to receive three special parcels of books. These parcels will be posted directly to you and the books are for you to keep!
In the first parcel, we have specially chosen three books that we think you will love! Click here to find out more about your books! For the next two parcels, you will be able to choose your own books from a list you will be given.
For each book, we have provided some activity sheets for you to download and use. Click here to see what there is!
We would also love to hear what you think about the books you get. Click here to send us your views and also to read what other children think!
Click here if you want some more information about Reading Together and what it involves.
We do hope you like Reading Together! If you have any questions about Reading Together then do ask your foster carer or feel free to contact us directly!