Brendan McNamara achieves registration at Chartered Scientist level
Congratulations to technician Brendan McNamara who has achieved registration at Chartered Scientist (CSci) level.

Brendan is a technician in the School of Biological Sciences and has been employed by QUB on three temporary contracts since 2012. He currently is assisting with the migration of the School to the new building on Chlorine Gardens.
Initially Brendan didn’t study Biology, and has a (BSc) First-class honours in Finance and an MSc (with distinction) in Rural Development and Project Management from Queen’s University, Gibson Institute. Brendan has a passion for gardening and is working towards the Intermediate Scientific Beekeeping qualification from the Federation of Irish Beekeepers’ Associations. (FIBKA).
Brendan achieved a 3 year technical post in Queens Marine Laboratory in 2012, working as part of the team headed up by Professor Jaimie Dick (Director of QML). Showing an aptitude and interest in marine research he was appointed to the post of Research Technician associated with the SeaGas Project, led by Professor Alberto Longo where he also took responsibility for the unique mesocosm facility housed in QML. This facility fed into a number of NERC funded projects, held by Professor Mark Emmerson.
Following the FMHLS Technician Event, which informed the technical community of The Technician Commitment and Professional Registration, in June 2018, Brendan felt inspired to achieve registration at Chartered Scientist (CSci) level. Brendan tells us that “ I really appreciate the opportunities and experiences I have enjoyed over the last six years in QUB Biological Sciences. Professional Registration has afforded me the chance to formally recognise the skills and knowledge that I have gained in the field of biology.”