The GENIUS Network links with the CONNECTS-Food study
The CONNECTS-Food study (CO-desigNed systems iNtervEntion impaCTing whole school approaches to Food) aims to design a practical intervention to help primary schools deliver existing policies which promote whole school approaches to food.

GENIUS co-investigators, PI Jayne Woodside, Queen's University Belfast, Charlotte Evans, University of Leeds and Suzanne Spence, Newcastle University are all co-investiagtors on the CONNECTS-Food Study which is being led by Dr Maria Bryant, University of York and includes an experienced multi-disciplinary team of experts with track records in the delivery of public health intervention research, including strengths in nutrition, systems research, intervention development and implementation science.
The team aim to design a practical intervention to help primary schools deliver existing policies which promote whole school approaches to food. This will be done by (1) partnering with key people (stakeholders) including head teachers, teachers, staff, children, parents, school governors, and government representatives; (2) hosting workshops with stakeholders to get a rich picture of all of the factors that influence food choice in the school day; (3) developing the intervention alongside stakeholders; and (4) exploring whether our intervention can be feasibly used by schools across the UK.
The study are looking for volunteers to take part - anyone with an interest / job in primary school food and/or education can take part, including parents/carers, teachers, school staff, caterers, local government.
If you are interested in taking part or would like more information, please email: Wendy Burton:
For more information visit the study website Connects- Food Study