Nutritional Resilience for Healthy Ageing, June 2023
The annual JPI PROMED-Cog Consortium meeting was held on 7th June 2023 as part of a broader scientific workshop jointly organised by Dr Claire McEvoy and Dr Colin McClure.

The PROMED-Cog project in collaboration with the BLAST (Building Links in Ageing Science and Translation) research network in coordination with the larger UKANetworks held a two-day workshop on Nutritional Resilience for Healthy Ageing at the School of Biological Sciences at Queen’s University in Belfast on June 6th & 7th 2023.
The workshop comprised scientific talks by experts on nutritional deficiencies in the ageing process, and the identification of novel dietary-based interventions to extend the health span. Topics ranged from the fundamental to the translational, and there were opportunities to engage in discussion of nutritional advancements in specific fields. These inclusive, themed discussion sessions aimed to identify capacity and needs in UK ageing research in these specific areas, and to help to co-develop pump priming funding relevant to the themes of the workshop. The workshop provided opportunities to network with others in the field.
The programme for the workshop can be found here: Nutritional Resilience for Healthy Ageing programme June2023
The annual PROMED-Cog Consortium meeting was held on day two of the event and it was wonderful to have many members of the consortium attending the workshop and meeting in person.